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Dr Cristian Vilos

I‘m working on the development of microparticles for the release of veterinary antibiotics, and polymeric nanoparticles for siRNA and chemotherapeutic delivery. ONdrugDelivery has been a very usefull platform to connect the scientific research, and marketed drug development.

Abby Lockwood Opus Strategy photo
Abby Lockwood
Plan Strategic

ONdrugDelivery Magazine is a great resource that brings a lot of value to the work my team and I are doing in the area of drug delivery. The device-specific content as well as the broader discussions surrounding industry trends and issues are extremely informative and very well written.

Li-Chun Tsou, PhD, MBA
Principal Engineer
Merck & Co

Your website and publication is a great asset for me. I’d recommend your publication to my colleagues. I am sure that we will gain knowledge and update information through your timely report. Thanks for making it available.

Matt Kempton user photo
Matt Kempton
Snr Project Engineer
Corning Incorporated

I am extremely impressed with the comprehensive presentation of information and problem/solution points detailed ... Kudos to you for an extremely well written article with succinct and robust scientific body of knowledge.
